2024 School Recruitment - Simulation Engineer

UPDATED ON 2023-11-24


Campus recruitment


Basic information

Job type:

Functional category

Academic background:

Master's degree or above


5 people

Job description

1. Responsible for providing technical support in the process of product development, proposing optimization plans, and writing simulation reports;

2. Responsible for the improvement and problem solving of related structural parts of online products;

3. Responsible for the preparation, collation and archiving of work design documents and reports;

4. Responsible for completing the simulation of basic working conditions and outputting simulation results with quality and quantity on time;

Job requirements

1. Bachelor degree or above, majoring in mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, thermal engineering or material engineering;

2. It has a certain foundation of fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, heat transfer and finite element simulation;

3. Proficient in more than one simulation direction, such as structural static force, power, fatigue, heat, flow field, etc.

4. Master CAD and 3D drawing software;

5. Proficient in using ANSYS simulation software;6、工作认真,细致,具有较强的团队合作精神,学习能力和沟通表达能力